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how to find turkeys with a compass like this
The Turkey Pro
Sez: "I have trusted Silva for years because they manufacture high-quality precision
compasses in a variety of useful models.
The Huntsman model is one of their
newest, and is fully
featured for the hunter who wants to locate gobbling turkeys with topo maps.
Also can be used as an
device, or for general use. A moderately priced professional compass. I especially like it because it can be pinned on
outer clothing for convenient use." |
Huntsman 203 Compass
by Silva
Precision You Can Trust
designed sighting compass with large mirror and lanyard
Heavy-duty locking pin for attachment to
Millimeter and 1/20th inch reading
Luminous North arrow
and Orienting arrow. Orienting lines
Rotating 360 degree
dial with five degree graduations
magnetized Tungsten steel needle
Permanently clear, anti-static liquid with
fast settling needle
Luminous points for use after dark
Olive drab color